Sunday, January 15, 2012

Spiritual WOD - 1/15/2012

How should we react when we fail to achieve our physical goals?

*Share thoughts on Comments.

Check out Tim Tebow's response on this video after last night's defeat.  Listen closely at 2:56 when he shares why it was "still a good day."



  1. I do not know the guy, but I pray for Tim Tebow and all my fellow beleivers everyday. He is doing a great job representing believers, and he is doing it with a lot more pressure than most. Anything is possible when your goal is to Glorify God the father through Jesus Christ.
    To answer the Question, it motivates me to work 1,000 times harder. It is only a failure if you quit; a true Warrior will get back up and keep trying until he surpasses that goal!

  2. So great seeing Tim in the spotlight professing his love for God. He may get a lot of slack from everyone but the fact is people talk about him and when they are talking about him then they were exposed to God's love. Its a great thing. When we don't succeed with our physical goals we still need to thank God for the opportunity to compete in whatever we do. Romans 8:39

  3. Thank you Lord for sending a warrior like Tim Tebow to encourage us all as believers to "seek first your Kingdom and all things will be giving unto us". At minute 2:56, Tim showed the importance of life and the priorities of God's order, to love Him above all things, love others as much as we love ourselves. We can always lean on your promises and your power Lord. Thank you!
