Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Faith WOD - 7/18/2012

Define the "Gospel."  Describe what makes it "good news."

*Share thoughts on Comments.

"Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain." (1 Corinthians 15:1-2)


  1. The fact that it is freeing. God gave us His word so that we may know his intentions for us, His standard for each and every one of his children. It is water to our worn out a d dry rusted old body's.

  2. The gospel is the greatest gift that we could ever receive. It is the news that God predistined us to be saved by Jesus Christ so that through his death we would not have to face eternal severity and separation from God and be able to spend an eternity with him.

  3. "Gospel" means "Good News" about our Lord saviour whom paid the greatest price (his blood) that we may be reconciled with our God. Its amazing news the fact that we are once again in good standing with our God not because we earned it but rather because he loved us so. WOW God is so good. Just thinking of his loves brings butterflies to my stomach though we are so unworthy he came for us the sick. Therefore we must continue to live and share his Gospel >Praise him

  4. In my experience The "Gospel" is the total and honest truth as to how we can live our lives. Most people go through there day to day not even knowing they are "lost" and yet to be found. Knowing that God loves us so much and gave his only Son for us all is something that speaks directly to all of us. Want to do the impossible at your Job? in the Gym? doing a sport? All things are made possible to us through the body of Christ. Being able to go to bed at night knowing you have the Lord to have your back is such and unbelievable feeling to have

  5. "Cheer up! you are worst than you think you are. Cheer up! God loves you more than you can hope for and showed it by sending His own son"
    We can never accomplish the "law WOD" and fail terribly over and over again. But God loved us and sent His Son to perform it for us. Our shameful score became HIs and His perfect score ours by sheer grace!

  6. To me the Gospels offer hope. Hope is always good news.

  7. The Gospel is good news because it gives hope to those where there was no hope before, because in Jesus there is freedom.
