Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Faith WOD


READMatthew 15

REFLECT:  How can I know if my heart is pure?

RESOLVE:  Write a prayer of praise inspired by the words of this passage.
*Share your answers on Comments.

“Hear and understand: it is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.”


  1. Dear Lord,
    I praise you for all your glorious creations, for the miracles of Spring that we see unfolding around us. I stand in awe and wonder of the cycle of life you created, through the birth and death of your Son, and our rebirth through his resurrection. Let my heart pour out this song of praise in my daily actions and words. I pray that your spirit overflows within me and shines to those who need to see it. Please let all that is sinful pass through Your spirit and be cleansed.

    Lord, thank you for your sacrifice. Give me the strength to be able to sacrifice in that same way, to stand firm against temptation, and serve Your will over my own.

    I ask these things in your name. Amen.

  2. I pray and thank God for those who have influenced my life...I pray that I will always be able to discern from the traditions that I have been taught to the truths of God's Holy Word...I pray that I will always be careful as to what I allow to enter my heart and my mind...I pray that I will do, say, and think things that God would expect...I need God to lead me...J.H. Gilmore wrote in 1862 He Leadeth Me and this will help guide my heart

  3. I think that the bible teaches us that nobody's heart is pure and to follow it will only lead to death. What I take is that we need to protect our minds from the onslaught of the enemy. So that we can defeat the temptations of our flesh by storing up God's word in our Minds to help. So my prayer today would follow:

    Our Holy Father in Heaven, your powerful and glorious name we praise! Keep us in your will and show us your ways, for our hearts are deceitful about all things, and desperately sick. Give us your Grace, Love, & Strength to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of our minds. So that we can learn to cherish your words in our hearts. Keep us from making void your word as the Pharisees did but to seek you and not human traditions. Help us to Be Glad in the you, and rejoice… and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!

    Jeremiah 17:9
    Romans 12:2
    Matthew 15
    Psalm 32
