Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Faith WOD


READ:  Matthew 13

REFLECT:  Which category of "soil" do I fall into? 

RESOLVE:  Identify 3 possible threats to letting God's Word grow in my heart.  What makes me run away?
*Share your answers on Comments.

"For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."


  1. The biggest thing that makes me run away is not forgiving. It's the least we can do since He has forgiven us.

  2. I feel like I'm the seed that is sewn in the thorns. In my heart I fear people's judgement of my faith though I say I don't, and I have trouble sharing my faith with others without feeling anxious. However, after years of drifting from my faith, I have accepted the Lord back into my life and hope to make progress at living His word every day. Thank you for this blog, it helps connect the two of the three most important things to me in my life! (Family is the other one)

  3. Thankfully, I don't feel like I have had the birds come and eat the seed (the devil has tugged on the heart, but never stolen it...he definately had his hands on it when sinning) plant has been scorched, but thankfully never withered (opposition has kept it from growing at times) plant has been choked, but thankfully never to the extent in which it died (all kinds of things have tried to keep me from the Word of God) seed has fallen on good soil, but I will never be satisfied with its growth...the words to Trust and Obey by J. H. Sammis in 1877 describe a lot of things that Christians have to battle in this life

  4. I believe the threats of letting God's Word grow in my heart is similar to the seed that is cast into the weeds. Often times, I worry and am unsatisfied with what I have or feel that I am not strong enough to face the Evil One. Currently, I am on deployment and it seems that every port visit we make, I fall. This in a way, is making me run away subconsciously. I'm tired of running and not proclaiming my faith and/or producing faith with works.

    Please pray for my faith to be strengthened that I may lead my family, drawing my wisdom from God and Him alone.

  5. The hard thing for me in my walk is moving on to the next step and letting go of the things that hold me back. Please pray for me.
