Thursday, April 18, 2013

Faith WOD


READEphesians 5:15-21

REFLECT: What are practical ways we can be "filled with the Spirit" through our interactions with others?

RESPOND:  Think of the next 3 months.  Continue to ask God for direction in using your life for His glory. 
1 - Create a personal vision statement for your friendships.  Why do you live in fellowship with others?
2 - Include any specific goals you hope to achieve, and specific people you hope to minister to.
3 - Spend time in prayer that God will use your efforts for His glory.

*Share your thoughts on Comments.

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
*We will begin our next "Journey" on Monday, April 22nd.  We will go through the book of Nehemiah.  For background information, read this helpful synopsis from John MacArthur:  Introduction.

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