Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spiritual WOD - 3/20/2012

"Jesus went back to Nazareth with his parents and obeyed them." (Luke 2:51 - CEV)

Goal-Setting - Step #2 (Family Faith)

1 - Consider 3 specific challenges to your FAMILY'S faith/spirituality you want to conquer together within the next 3 months

2-Enter these goals in the Family Faith section of the chart, including a note about any necessary plans to achieve these goals

3-Consider 3 specific challenges to conquer within your lifetime (big dreams) & enter in the long-term goal section

*Share thoughts on Comments.

“The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other.” – Mario Puzo


  1. This one was hard for me to read at first, because my reaction is that "I don't have a family, I'm single and I hate it" But then i see the verse at the top “Jesus went back to Nazareth with his parents and obeyed them.” (Luke 2:51 – CEV and I remember that I need to pray for my Mom, pray that I can love her just as she is, perfect in God's eyes. I get to pray for her, and that will allow me to love and value her.

    My big dream is to be a wife and raise a family. I want to teach my kids I pray to have one day, about staying spirtually and physically fit so they can do anything and go anywhere with out fear. I feel like, for me is the ultimate service.

  2. Good insight, I didn't even think about my own parents, but that is going to be incorporated now :)

  3. Katie, this post is such a blessing. When you said, "I get to pray for her", it reminded me of just how privileged we are to be in Christ and to have the confidence that we can go before God in prayer. Great insight. God Bless!

  4. I agree too Katie. I am in a similar situation in that After my divorce I too "alone" without. " family". I frequently neglect my parents and my brother in my thoughts and prayers regarding family. Your post is very timely in that they are struggling and need my prayers now more than ever. I pray that God will help me lead by example both spiritually and in relation to physical fitness and health.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  5. I'm following the ReDirect Fast in preparation for the death and resurrection of the Easter Season.
    Last week's focus was on family. It was really good to get back to my roots. For a week's worth of prayer focus and corresponding bible passages, go to http://redirectfast.com/devotionals/week-4-overview/

  6. My short time goals are to stablish some good habits in my children (they are 8 and 3). I'm thinking about pray toguether, make a daily devotional for kids, using draws and simple games. I'm concern about the last thing they see and hear before they go to sleep is TV.
    My son (8 years old) is a crossfit kid, and I need him to learn God is so necessary and healthy for his soul as crossfit is for his body.
    My little princess (3) is more spiritual, and I want to keep that safe.

  7. Katie, great reminder. I made this more about my wife and kids and didn't think to include my close extended family. Especially those who do not know Christ. Thank you for the reminder. Joseph

  8. Day 2 for me as I continue to catch up with everyone else. My Family Faith goals are simple but things I feel I sometimes neglect after a long day at work when I just want to get to bed. 1. Eat dinner as a family 2. Say prayers together before bed 3. Memorize a verse together weekly. Each of these is important to me but often neglected. I have established a couple key steps for each of these that I pray I can stick too.

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