Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Faith WOD


READNehemiah 2

REFLECT: Why did Nehemiah inspect the walls before sharing his vision with the people of Jerusalem?

RESPONDExamine yourself.  List 3 weaknesses in your character.

*Share your thoughts on Comments.

"Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!" (2 Corinthians 13:5)


  1. Procrastination/lack of listing priorities, Not looking at the whole picture and moving forward (missing important steps & directions) and Pride.

  2. Patience. I don't always give enough time to let good things grow. I get frustrated with people or circumstances. Anger. I get angry about Religion and Politics to the point of no return. Inconsistent. I have been inconsistent in my walk with The Lord. Major flaws. I can admit it.

  3. Lack of faith, lack of consistency, and easy to anger.

  4. I am judgmental. I give up too easily when tested (and I have several failed PR attempts to prove it). I tend to be selfish.

  5. Patience in waiting on Gods timing. Letting my feelings overwhelm me at times. learning to trust myself and others.

  6. I am a chronic procrastinator. I always tell myself to plan ahead and get things done, but for some reason I don't listen to myself.

    I become inpatient easily. I lose my patience with work, family and waitng for Gods plans.

    Vision. I have lack of vision when it comes to seeing what could be.

  7. "None of Self and All of Thee" written by Theodore Monod in 1874 sums up my problem...I am too selfish!
