READ: 2 Timothy 3:1-9
REFLECT: Why is it so difficult to defeat sin through your own power?
1 - How have you attempted to find security through your knowledge?
2 - How have you attempted to find security through your relationships with others? With whom?
3 - What have you used to "appear godly" but has not resulted in a change of life?
*Share your thoughts on Comments.
"...lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power."
We as human beings have a sinful nature. We live in a fallen world with the devil constantly at work throwing temptations all around us. I have tried in the past finding security in the fact that I have good morals and intentions; I felt like I could do things on my own because I "knew better." Not true at all.. Temptations have gotten the best of me at times. I've come to the conclusion that I cannot lean on my own knowledge because I am not all-knowing and I am weak without Him. I have also in the past put too much security in my relationships with others, esp. in my relationship with my boyfriend. I can't put him on a pedestal because he makes mistakes too. I've at times felt disappointed or unloved because maybe I was expecting too much. It took awhile for me to truly realize that God is the only One who can provide that UNFAILING love.
ReplyDelete"May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world is crucified to me, and I to the world." - Galatians 6:14
Have a blessed day everyone!
PS. Lecrae and Anthony Evans are awesome =)
We are powerless without God
ReplyDeleteWhatever power we may think we have has been given to us through Him&meant for His purpose for us.
So we.need to look to God for guidance,strength&courage.
"Be strong&coourageous. Do not be frightened,& do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you whereever you go." Joshua 1:9
Yes, I have been "worldly"...thinking that my knowledge is sufficient, thinking that relationships with others is more than with God and His Son Jesus Christ, thinking too much about my "outward appearance" instead of the "thoughts from my heart"...these are things that I must continue to work on in my ministry...Just a Closer Walk with Thee is the song that I need
ReplyDeleteI think we all have that dual nature in us that fights each other all the time. One side being our sinful nature where we easily give in; on the other side is our "born again", Christian nature where we want to please God and Him alone. We have to try to keep reminding each other to live for Him, be accountable to the things we do and not rely on worldly outlets. I would also say that Cross-fitting is what we constantly need, carrying our crosses, and living for Him and not for ourselves. As a nurse, I ask Him to use my hands and feet for His glory. God Bless you guys!